BLT Information
Building Leadership Team Bylaws & Documents from Meetings
Mission Statement:
The mission of the Broadview-Thomson Building Leadership Team is to address:
- The Continuous School Improvement Plan (CSIP)
- Professional Development based on the CSIP
- Budget matters related to the CSIP
In keeping with the spirit of mutual cooperation and respect, the Building Leadership Team shall be composed of representatives including an administrator, certificated and classified staff, and a parent representative.
Each year the BLT will establish their working norms. Norms may be added to and adjusted by BLT as the year progresses.
The Broadview-Thomson Building Leadership Team shall consist of the following members:
- Administrator
- Classroom teacher (K-1)
- Classroom teacher (2-3)
- Classroom teacher (4-5)
- Classroom teacher (6)
- Classroom teacher (7)
- Classroom teacher (8)
- Certificated specialist (Librarian, Art, Tech, Language, Music, PE, Counseling)
- 1 ELL
- 1 Special Education
- 1 Spectrum
- 1 Classified (Parapro)
- 1 Classified (Secretarial)
- 1 Parent representative (elementary program)
- 1 Parent representative (middle school program)
There will be an equal number of elementary and secondary specialists for positions 8 – 10. It shall be the responsibility of each representative to gather input from constituents and to represent the interests of his/her group as well as her/his own views. Input from colleagues shall be obtained from constituents when necessary following a month BLT meeting.
BLT notes will be accessible on-line.