BLT Information
Building Leadership Team Bylaws & Documents from Meetings
Mission Statement:
The mission of the Broadview-Thomson Building Leadership Team is to address:
- The Continuous School Improvement Plan (C-SIP)
- Professional Development based on the C-SIP
- Budget matters related to the C-SIP
In keeping with the spirit of mutual cooperation and respect, the Building Leadership Team shall be composed of representatives including an administrator, certificated and classified staff, and a parent representative.
Each year the BLT will establish their working norms. Norms may be added to and adjusted by BLT as the year progresses.
The Broadview-Thomson Building Leadership Team shall consist of the following members:
- Administrator
- Classroom teacher (K-1)
- Classroom teacher (2-3)
- Classroom teacher (4-5)
- Classroom teacher (6)
- Classroom teacher (7)
- Classroom teacher (8)
- Certificated specialist (Librarian, Art, Tech, Language, Music, PE, Counseling)
- 1 ELL
- 1 Special Education
- 1 Spectrum
- 1 Classified (Parapro)
- 1 Classified (Secretarial)
- 1 Parent representative (elementary program)
- 1 Parent representative (middle school program)
There will be an equal number of elementary and secondary specialists for positions 8 – 10. It shall be the responsibility of each representative to gather input from constituents and to represent the interests of his/her group as well as her/his own views. Input from colleagues shall be obtained from constituents when necessary following a month BLT meeting.
BLT notes will be accessible on-line.